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Apocalypse Espylacopa, 1998

The Apocalypse is the most mysterious book ever written, and it has been the subject of numerous research works, exegetes, and heuristics, as well as a source of revelations since its very creation. That comes as no surprise, as the book describes God’s Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Apocalypse allows us to partake in a most unusual experience which cannot be embraced by the senses accustomed to mundane experiences; a phenomenon whose complexity exceeds immeasurably even the most refined scenario of virtual reality.

The wondrous book of The Apocalypse embraces all of our fears, terrors, apprehensions, dread, and trepidations in the face of the present and the future. The horror of the present is enhanced by the flower of the future contained within. The future will reveal itself as Armageddon, Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. However, before it happens, there will be Gog and Magog, the great sinner of Babylon, the great Babylon, the Beast, the Fall of Babylon, the Abyss and the Lake of Fire.
And Death and the Pit.

Death, which seems to be the liberation from the fear and horror of the present, brings Nothingness. This probably is the key to eschatology, as Nothingness is the foundation and beginning of a New Life. The Beginning and the End, though confined by Nothingness, are the only chance for preserving memory, for Nothingness is the foundation of the Beginning and the End, and thus reality closes in a circle: from the Beginning to the End, from Nothingness to Nothingness.

Natalia LL
5 December 1998

The author of the Revelations is of course St. John the Evangelist. Ap. 1.1.

Translated by Jarosław Fejdych
Proofreading Kevin Hannan